Welcome to Optics and Microscopy!

Tuesdays & Thursdays 11.40 to 1.15pm

FINAL EXAM (Tuesday March 20th) will start at 9am (going until 11am) at the request of the students

At your request, the answers to example final are available below!



This is a brand new 5 credits course at UCSC covering both practical and theoretical aspects of Optics and imaging, offered by EE department but can also be taken as a grad elective by e.g. MCD Biology students.

Applied optical microscopy for biological imaging will be a major theme, but we will also include a crash course in technical photography and related topcis. We will discuss resolution, aberrations, apertures, F#, Numerical aperture, sampling, sensors, image formation, diffraction and a little bit of Fourier optics.

There is no required textbook but standard works are:
Hecht Optics, Born and Wolf Principles of Optics and Goodman Fourier Optics 
(Available in Prof. Sara's office if you want to take a peak in them)

One of the best resources for all of this is availabla online:
Check it out!

This class is designed to pair well with:
EE264 Image Processing and Reconstruction

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